“Our doubts are traitors and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt.“Write your own story… When your life forgets it… Sing a new song… when your music list dries out… Play a new game… when your game gets over… Dream once more… When your dream is shattered… There is always a chance… To rise up and shine like a sun…” – Sam Muke.Go on and make your life story a memorable one.” – Parismita Baruah But your dear ones are the sharpeners of your life. At times, difficulties may break you down. “Surely the whole point of writing your own life story is to be as honest as you possibly can, revealing everything about yourself that is most private and probably most interesting for that very reason.” – Judith Krantz.By forcing yourself to write your life story you learn a great deal about yourself.” – Grant Achatz I haven’t even had time to contemplate my own life. “My life has been such a blur since I was 18, 19 years old.It’s pretty glorious.” – Victoria Erickson Your very own authentically personal piece of art. “Remember that you’re a living, breathing novel, literally writing your own story.I’m not sure that there are any other rules. Write it honestly, and tell it as best you can. “Write your story as it needs to be written.Live the story, you designed for yourself!” Start writing its first chapter right now! Fill your book with adventure, love and happiness. Believe in the unique step up the mountain.” You own and write your own story no one else does. “Your personal growth is the only big thing that matters.So how do you choose to write it?” – Tammy Mentzer Brown “Remember each new day you get to turn a page in your life and write your own story.If you’re stuck on the same page, remember that at any moment, you have the power to write a new chapter.” “You are the author of your own story.Live your own life, and write your own story. It’s not their life it’s not their story. I will no longer let anyone else write it nor will I apologize for the edits I make.” – Steve Maraboli Write Your Own Story Quotes Images Nothing’s luckier than that.” – Jennifer Donnelly “I’d wish you good luck, but you won’t need it.“The most important story we’ll ever write in life is our own – not with ink but with our daily choices.” – Richard Paul Evans.The key is to learn from the chapter and re-write your own story.” “Don’t let one bad chapter in your life define the rest of your life.Making ourselves the character we need to be, to survive till the end.” – Nishu “We write our own book and direct our own story.“There comes a point in your life when you need to stop reading other people’s books and write your own.” – Albert Einstein My Story Quotes.Speak your own truth, live your own dream.” – Raphaella Vaisseali “Write your own story, be your own hero.When we own the story, we can write a brave new ending.” – Brene Brown “When we deny the story, it defines us.Where it goes from here is totally up to you. “Your life is a story, what’s done is done.Never let anyone else write it for you again.” – Jennifer Donnelly “Keep being the author of your own story.“She wouldn’t let others define her, she wrote her own story and she lived it.” – Mark Anthony.“If you’re not writing your own story, you’re a character in someone else’s.” – Chris Brogan.“When writing the story of your life, don’t let anyone else hold the pen.” – Rebel Thriver Tell Your Story Quotes.Pick up a pen and write your own.” – Majid Kazmi “In life you must write your own story, or one will be written for you.” – A.J.

“Be brave enough to write your own story… And then rewrite it.” – Maria Shriver.“Life is like a blank book, you write your own story not others.” – Zihan Zheng Write Your Story Quotes Images.“If you don’t like someone’s story,write your own.” – Chinua Achebe.“If we own the story then we can write the ending.” – Brene Brown.“The pen that writes your life story must be held in your own hand.” Write Your Own Story Quotes.“Write your own story, preferably in tattoos.” – Lauren Rachelle.“Write your own story before the ink dries.” – Abhilipsa Mantry.“You are the writer of your own story.” Your Life Is Your Story Quotes.jpg.“Write your own story.” Write Your Story Quotes.Looking for quotes about writing your own story? We have rounded up the best collection of write your own story quotes, sayings, proverbs, (with images and pictures) to inspire you to make the best life choices.Īlso See: Making Life Choices Quotes Write Your Own Story Quotes