The operator calibrates Zero & Span for the isolator via multi turn potentiometers.SCC401 has exceptionally high accuracy and stability.SCC401 provides isolation between its own power supply, the input and output signals up to 1.5 KV AC RMS per minute and 250V AC RMS continuously.Standard input types include 0/4 - 20 mA, ohms, RTD and thermocouples amongst others.It is available in a 23 mm wide enclosure for DIN rail mounting.SCC401 is a 3-Port Signal Isolator that accepts any one of some common process inputs and generates an isolated current or voltage output.

Dual Channel - Indicator With Alarms / Pid Controller.Universal Input PID Controller By Radix NEX205.Loop Powered Isolator with 5 V Loop Drop and 0-600 Ohms Load LPI61.Loop Powered Isolator LPI51 with Loop Drop 3.7 V and 25-425 ohms Load.Universal Input Signal Isolator - MSI7P.Universal Input Dual Output Programmable Signal Isolator SCC311.