Because the image layer is blocking the stroke border underneath it. Now that is not a problem if the image layer is 100 opaque. The problem is, that the border is not only around the image. Then -> Stroke Selection to draw a border around the image. “If you reach for the stars, you just might land on a decently sized hill. Next use the select tool to select around the picture. It was updated for GIMP 2.0 by Raphal Quinet. Click on the Paths tab to manage your paths. The default GIMP installation creates a dock containing the tabs Layers, Channels, Paths, Undo. Menu location: Filters/Decor/Gradient Stroke.įile comment: Gradient Stroke Script V1.5įile comment: Gradient Stroke Script V1.4 When you are satisfied with the shape, you can use Stroke Path or Create Selection from Path. To facilitate fast and easy multiple strokes, the script has provisions for keeping the selection: Active, Inner Edge, Outer Edge & None.įully compatible with GIMP 2.10.x layer, GIMP 2.8.x layer groups and GIMP 2.6.x. Setting the Bump Map depth to a value greater than zero directs the script to bump map the stroke (or fill) at the specified depth. Setting the Stroke Depth to zero directs the script to perform a gradient fill, rather than a gradient stroke. Stroke selection If there is an active selection in the image, only the strokes that have at least one end point in the selection are reversed. Select area or Color using Select by Color. Open gradient tool and set FG to BG or FG to transparent. (for example blue in your case) Change Background to white or something. Otherwise, the script uses the existing selection. Change your foreground color to your desired color. Make a new image-sized layer though otherwise it will get cropped off by your layer's borders. Alt-click on the new layer to select its contents. Tip Note: Patterns do not need to be opaque. You can also use the Clone tool as your choice if you stroke the selection using a painting tool. If no selection is detected, the script performs Alpha to Selection. If you want higher quality you can take the extra path of converting your selection to a path, and then stroking the path. When you stroke a path or selection, you can do it with a pattern instead of a solid color. Gradient Stroke V1.5 creates a gradient stroke by copying the selected layer, filling with selected gradient, shrinking (or growing) by the stroke width, then clearing the remainder of the layer. Since then, this script has taken on a life of its own.
#Stroke selection gimp gradient code
From a discussion in this thread, I decided to toss together a quick stand alone script that performs a basic gradient stroke that would be easy to call from another script (or just incorporate the code directly).